1 Basics Of Hydraulicsdesign Water Supply System

The basic requirements of pipes for water distribution system are adequate strength and maximum corrosion resistance. Cast iron, cement-lined steel, plastic, and asbestos-cement compete in the small Sizes, while steel and reinforced concrete are competitive in the larger sizes. Download this article in.PDF format. When a hydraulic pump operates, it performs two functions. First, its mechanical action creates a vacuum at the pump inlet which allows atmospheric pressure to force liquid from the reservoir into the inlet line to the pump. Second, its mechanical action delivers this liquid to the pump outlet and forces it into the hydraulic system. Access to basic (at least 200 m from homestead) water supply is still a challenge in rural and developing areas of South Africa. A study was commissioned to investigate the backlog in supplying water to all areas of the KwaZulu-Natal province. The study aimed to determine the current levels of water services, consumers’ current.

System draws its fluid from the standpipe, which is located at a higher elevation. This ensures an adequate fluid supply to the secondary system if the main system fails. Hydraulic Reservoir Pressurized With Hydraulic Fluid. HYDRAULIC FILTER Contamination of hydraulic fluid is one of the common causes of hydraulic system troubles.


This section is from the book 'A Working Manual Of American Plumbing Practice', by William Beall Gray, Charles B. Ball. Also available from Amazon: Plumbing.

Basic Hydraulic System Diagram

There are various ways in which it may be necessary to obtain the water supply for a building. The usual course in cities and towns is to employ the Municipal Water Works service. This, of course, settles the supply feature, and the plumber simply provides the house and yard pipe, 5/8-inch or larger main, according to the character of the work. If of lead, the pipe must be of strength according with the pressure. Any of the light-weight grades of lead supply will stand 1,000 pounds per square inch for a short time; and the usual strength used on 50- to 80-pound pressure will not burst under 1,400 to 1,600 pounds when new and unstrained. Under constant pressure, the enormous strain possible from water-hammer, and general deterioration from use, make it advisable to employ pipe which, when new, is 20 times as strong as that necessary to contain the pressure. No attention is necessary as to the strength of zinc-cOated or tin-coated iron pipe; it will stand any pressure ordinarily encountered.

The two general methods of supplying buildings with water are: (1) the direct system; and (2) the indirect or tank system. The direct method, generally employed in cities, places each fixture connected with the supply under the same pressure as the street main, unless a reducing valve is introduced, thus often subjecting the work to needless high pressure and always to the widely varying conditions and quality of service incidental to such use. In the direct system it is good practice, where at all practicable, to pipe and fit the work generally for pressure not exceeding 50 pounds per square inch, and then use a reducing valve to maintain such pressure as is required.

The indirect method is almost always necessarily employed in isolated work; and even where municipal service is available, it is generally better for ordinary domestic purposes. With the indirect system, the connection with the street main is carried directly to a tank placed in the attic, or at some point above the highest fixture, as shown in Fig. 51. The supply to tank is regulated by a ball-cock which automatically shuts off the water when the tank becomes full, and opens and refills it again when water is drawn out. All the plumbing fixtures are supplied directly from the tank, and are therefore under a constant minimum pressure depending on the distance the fixtures are situated below the tank. The tank storage is a matter of great convenience during repairs to street mains, aside from its advantages of uniform pressure, reduced expense of fitting and maintaining low-pressure work, etc.

1 Basics Of Hydraulicsdesign Water Supply System

Fig. 51. Indirect or Tank System of House Supply.

In municipalities where the pressure in the main is not sufficient to carry the water up to the house tank in the attic, and in elevated situations, an automatic, electrically-operated rotary or other suitable form of pump is often installed to lift the water. A screw pump like that shown in Fig. 52 is especially adapted to this use when equipped with an electric motor to start and stop automatically by means of a float in the tank operating an electric switch as shown in the engraving.

Where steam pressure is available, steam-operated pumps are very frequently used, and are invariably arranged for automatic service whether there are engineers regularly in attendance or not. A device that may be attached to steam pumps for this purpose is shown in Fig. 53. When the high-water line in the tank is reached, the float closes a valve in the pump discharge pipe, thus promptly increasing the pressure in it so as to actuate a piston through a pipe connection from the pump discharge to the regulator beneath the piston head. The regulator is shown complete, in detail, partly in section, in Fig. 54. Raising the piston shuts off the steam supply to the pump at the governor valve. When the water line in the tank is lowered, the float falls and the ball valve opens, relieving the pressure in the pump discharge pipe and allowing the steam governor valve to open by the action of the counterweights attached to the lever arm, as shown; and the pump then works regularly until the lifting of the float by the rising water again closes the valve in the pump discharge and repeats the action described.

Fig. 52. Electrically-Operated Pump for Lifting Water to Tank. Automatically Started and Stopped by Means of Float Operating Electric Switch.

Fig. 53. Steam Pump Equipped with Regulator Operated by Float in Tank,.

Securing Automatic Service.

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Outside of corporations, the supply may be from an elevated spring or stream, or from wells, cisterns, or other sources below the level of use. If the natural supply is high enough, it may be conveyed into a tank of sufficient height without intermediate apparatus. Tanks inside the dwelling or house are best, ordinarily.

Jquery json to xml conversion download for windows 7 32bit. Fig. 54. Steam Pump Regulator (Shown Partly In Section) Automatically Operated by.

Valve Controlled by Float in Supply Tank.

Tanks for cold-water storage are made of various materials and in different shapes and sizes, according to the special uses for which they are required. For indoor use, copper-lined or lead-lined wood-case tanks without safe-pans, and wrought-iron or cast-iron tanks with safe-pans to catch the condensation, constitute the list generally favored by reason of superior fitness. Within limited dimensions, a durable and satisfactory tank-case can be made of heavy, well-fitted, and well-seasoned plank bolted together with iron rods and nuts, as shown in Fig. 55. For large sizes, heavy wood stays with tie-rods one third of the way from each end, are added. With copper linings, but few nails should be used; and they should be so placed as to be covered by the copper, the joints being soldered by soaking the best quality of solder into the seams. The locking of the seams is shown greatly exaggerated in the engraving. Cast-iron sectional tanks, like the form shown in Fig. 56, can be had in almost any size or shape. They are made up of plates planed and bolted together, the joints being made water-tight with cement. The sections are in convenient sizes, so that they can be handled easily, and conveyed without difficulty through small doorways or other openings to any part of the house. These tanks are easily set up, and are practically indestructible. Open and closed wrought-iron tanks, plain or galvanized, are often used, but are not so easily handled; and the larger sizes require to be riveted together and calked in place. Lead-lined tanks are most frequently used for ordinary house plumbing. The linings were formerly wiped-in without exception. Sweating the lead together with a torch flame is however, quite as durable, and is much cheaper. To sweat-in a lining, take the exact length and breadth of the tank, trying at different points to be sure of allowing for any variations. Then cut out the bottom lining just the shape of the tank bottom, one and one-half inches larger each way, less twice the thickness of the lead. This allows three-quarters of an inch to turn up all around; and the bottom will just fit when the side pieces are in place. Mark off the bottom all around, as shown by the dotted lines in Fig. 57; and turn up the edge. With the intersection of the lines A as a center, and the termination of one of them as a starting point, describe the line B, and cut off the corner outside of it. Then work the corner up square without a kink. If the lead is heavy, a little heat will make it work better. After working-up, the lead at the corners will be much thicker than along the sides; this may be needed in stretching out, at some of the corners.

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  • prev: House Water Supply. Continued
  • next: Types Of Water Supply. Part 2

Water supply system
  • Historical background
  • Water sources
    • Surface water and groundwater
  • Water requirements
    • Drinking-water quality
  • Water treatment
    • Clarification
    • Disinfection
    • Additional treatment
    • Desalination
  • Water distribution
    • Pipelines
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Join Britannica's Publishing Partner Program and our community of experts to gain a global audience for your work! Jerry A. Nathanson
Professor of Engineering, Union County College, Cranford, New Jersey. Author of Basic Environmental Technology: Water Supply, Waste Disposal, and Pollution Control.

Water supply system, infrastructure for the collection, transmission, treatment, storage, and distribution of water for homes, commercial establishments, industry, and irrigation, as well as for such public needs as firefighting and street flushing. Of all municipal services, provision of potable water is perhaps the most vital. People depend on water for drinking, cooking, washing, carrying away wastes, and other domestic needs. Water supply systems must also meet requirements for public, commercial, and industrial activities. In all cases, the water must fulfill both quality and quantity requirements.

Historical background

Developments in supply systems

Water was an important factor in the location of the earliest settled communities, and the evolution of public water supply systems is tied directly to the growth of cities. In the development of water resources beyond their natural condition in rivers, lakes, and springs, the digging of shallow wells was probably the earliest innovation. As the need for water increased and tools were developed, wells were made deeper. Brick-lined wells were built by city dwellers in the Indus River basin as early as 2500 bce, and wells almost 500 metres (more than 1,600 feet) deep are known to have been used in ancient China.

Construction of qanāts, slightly sloping tunnels driven into hillsides that contained groundwater, probably originated in ancient Persia about 700 bce. From the hillsides the water was conveyed by gravity in open channels to nearby towns or cities. The use of qanāts became widespread throughout the region, and some are still in existence. Until 1933 the Iranian capital city, Tehrān, drew its entire water supply from a system of qanāts.

The need to channel water supplies from distant sources was an outcome of the growth of urban communities. Among the most notable of ancient water-conveyance systems are the aqueducts built between 312 bce and 455 ce throughout the Roman Empire. Some of these impressive works are still in existence. The writings of Sextus Julius Frontinus (who was appointed superintendent of Roman aqueducts in 97 ce) provide information about the design and construction of the 11 major aqueducts that supplied Rome itself. Extending from a distant spring-fed area, a lake, or a river, a typical Roman aqueduct included a series of underground and aboveground channels. The longest was the Aqua Marcia, built in 144 bce. Its source was about 37 km (23 miles) from Rome. The aqueduct itself was 92 km (57 miles) long, however, because it had to meander along land contours in order to maintain a steady flow of water. For about 80 km (50 miles) the aqueduct was underground in a covered trench, and only for the last 11 km (7 miles) was it carried aboveground on an arcade. In fact, most of the combined length of the aqueducts supplying Rome (about 420 km [260 miles]) was built as covered trenches or tunnels. When crossing a valley, aqueducts were supported by arcades comprising one or more levels of massive granite piers and impressive arches.

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The aqueducts ended in Rome at distribution reservoirs, from which the water was conveyed to public baths or fountains. A few very wealthy or privileged citizens had water piped directly into their homes, but most of the people carried water in containers from a public fountain. Water was running constantly, the excess being used to clean the streets and flush the sewers.

Ancient aqueducts and pipelines were not capable of withstanding much pressure. Channels were constructed of cut stone, brick, rubble, or rough concrete. Pipes were typically made of drilled stone or of hollowed wooden logs, although clay and lead pipes were also used. During the Middle Ages there was no notable progress in the methods or materials used to convey and distribute water.

1 Basics Of Hydraulicsdesign Water Supply System

Cast iron pipes with joints capable of withstanding high pressures were not used very much until the early 19th century. The steam engine was first applied to water-pumping operations at about that time, making it possible for all but the smallest communities to have drinking water supplied directly to individual homes. Asbestoscement, ductile iron, reinforced concrete, and steel came into use as materials for water supply pipelines in the 20th century.

Developments in water treatment

In addition to quantity of supply, water quality is also of concern. Even the ancients had an appreciation for the importance of water purity. Sanskrit writings from as early as 2000 bce tell how to purify foul water by boiling and filtering. But it was not until the middle of the 19th century that a direct link between polluted water and disease (cholera) was proved, and it was not until the end of that same century that the German bacteriologist Robert Koch proved the germ theory of disease, establishing a scientific basis for the treatment and sanitation of drinking water.

Water treatment is the alteration of a water source in order to achieve a quality that meets specified goals. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, the main goal was elimination of deadly waterborne diseases. The treatment of public drinking water to remove pathogenic, or disease-causing, microorganisms began about that time. Treatment methods included sand filtration as well as the use of chlorine for disinfection. The virtual elimination of diseases such as cholera and typhoid in developed countries proved the success of this water-treatment technology. In developing countries, waterborne disease is still the principal water quality concern.

Basic Components Of Hydraulic System

In industrialized countries, concern has shifted to the chronic health effects related to chemical contamination. For example, trace amounts of certain synthetic organic substances in drinking water are suspected of causing cancer in humans. Lead in drinking water, usually leached from corroded lead pipes, can result in gradual lead poisoning and may cause developmental delays in children. The added goal of reducing such health risks is seen in the continually increasing number of factors included in drinking-water standards.

Water sources

Global distribution

1 Basics Of Hydraulicsdesign Water Supply System Components

Water is present in abundant quantities on and under Earth’s surface, but less than 1 percent of it is liquid fresh water. Most of Earth’s estimated 1.4 billion cubic km (326 million cubic miles) of water is in the oceans or frozen in polar ice caps and glaciers. Ocean water contains about 35 grams per litre (4.5 ounces per gallon) of dissolved minerals or salts, making it unfit for drinking and for most industrial or agricultural uses.

There is ample fresh water—water containing less than 3 grams of salts per litre, or less than one-eighth ounce of salts per gallon—to satisfy all human needs. It is not always available, though, at the times and places it is needed, and it is not uniformly distributed over the globe, sometimes resulting in water scarcity for susceptible communities. In many locations the availability of good-quality water is further reduced because of urban development, industrial growth, and environmental pollution.

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