Accelerated 11th Elams. Schroll's Ela Classes

Welcome to the Elementary ELA Curriculum Page! The intention of this site is to be an additional 'go to' for resources and training materials designed specifically for Elementary English Language Arts. This site is currently being updated. Please be on the look out for more content over the next few months! Assignment: We discussed as a class and small groups the concepts of character development and theme with regard to individual books. Students then had time to read and/or work on role sheets. Items turned in and/or checked in for a grade. UtATERAL GRAVE'S EX SEPTIC PULMONARY EMBOLI DUE TO ANAEROBIC PHARYNGEAL Adu. Dmmmt lVeone, Ut Vaney INFECTION. The Reading Hospital and Medical Center, Reading, PA. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: I. Diagnose of Lemierre syndrome. Rmmylva l) Diasne sulme prmatadms efOauve's 13he CASE: A previously healthy 15 yeas-old female presented to the ER with severe c, ua Tm pmt is a.

Health Careers Academy

10th Grade English Course Syllabus

Academic Year 2009-2010

Mr. Michael L. Baulier



phone: (617) 373 - 8576

Fences by August Wilson

The Odyssey by Homer (Robert Fagles translation)

Macbeth by William Shakespeare

Night by Elie Wiesel


The Wave by Todd Strasser

A Separate Peace by John Knowles

Easy Writer by Andrea A. Lunsford (a pocket reference)

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Students will also read a variety of short stories, critical essays, and poetry by Edgar Allen Poe, Langston Hughes, Gwendolyn Brooks, Shirley Jackson, and other relevant literary artists.

Students are expected to return their textbooks in good condition. If the student damages or loses the book, the parent/guardian is expected to pay for the damaged/lost book before a replacement book will be issued.Students are still responsible for readings/work assigned while the book is missing.


1.5 - 3 inch 3 ring binder


Ream of loose leaf paper




Pens and pencils BLUE OR BLACK INK*


Pack of SMALL post-it notes to mark pages in journal/texts


Binder dividers

* All assignments must be completed in blue or black ink, or pencil with the exception of

selected creative projects.

Course Description

In tenth grade English, students will explore a variety of American and world literature texts to examine themes of self-exploration and socio-cultural identities.The primary focus of this course is to provide students with opportunities to think about their own identities in relation to the literary artists and their characters we meet in class.While reading new authors, we will concentrate on analytical skills to help students become critical readers of more advanced literature.This course will also introduce new vocabulary to students and build upon existing knowledge of grammar and reading and writing skills as we prepare for the state-mandated MCAS, SAT, and college level classes .
Why I’m Here

I am excited to be teaching tenth grade English because I first taught this class during my student teaching internship, and I have a lot of passion for the literature that this course covers.

English was always my favorite subject in high school which is why I chose to major in English in college and teach it to students as a career.I recognize that English may not be the subject of choice for all of my students, but I do understand how important reading and writing skills are to being successful in college, the workplace, and life.Our ability to be understood and appreciated by others relies heavily on how well we communicate our ideas on a daily basis.A conversation, interview, oral presentation, email, resume, or report all have the potential to make or break any number of valuable opportunities.

Over the next several months, my goal is to teach you skills that will help make you successful in college and beyond.Whether you become a healthcare professional or choose to pursue different career, I want you to be an effective communicator.I also hope that you discover a favorite author, character, or poet in my class, one with whom you can identity and take with you after high school.There is no greater reward for any English teacher than having a student who comes to love and appreciate good literature.

I am excited to begin a fantastic year!

- Mr. Baulier

Classroom Rules

In addition to the rules of Health Careers Academy, students are expected to show RESPECT.

Respect for Self

I will always do my best.

I will positively participate in all classroom activities.

Respect for Others

I will stay on task without disturbing or distracting others.

Accelerated 11th Elams. Schroll

I will respect other people’s differences and opinions.

Respect for Mr. Baulier

Accelerated 11th Elams. Schroll's Ela Classes A B C

I will listen when Mr. Baulier is speaking.

I will treat classroom property appropriately.

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I will complete all assignments on time.


Students are expected to come to class on time, prepared, (notebooks, writing instruments, books, completed assignments, positive attitude) and ready to learn.

In addition:

- Students are expected to practice punctuality.

- Students should have good attendance.

- Students are expected to participate in whole class and small group activities

- Students are expected to develop and practice good study habits.

Plagiarism Policy:Students should already know how to properly cite materials and resources, therefore, academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. The consequences for academic dishonesty in this course are consistent with school policy. In this course plagiarism is not tolerated and the parent/guardian and guidance counselor will be notified immediately. The consequences for this will result in an individual conference with the teacher and an automatic zero for the assignment. These consequences hold true whether a student accidentally or deliberately plagiarizes a paper.

If a student is unsure about how to cite resources according to MLA guidelines, I am happy to offer my assistance and/or provide instructional materials after school.

Late Work Policy:LATE WORK IS NOT ACCEPTED! Assignments turned in late will only be accepted if a student has been absent or if there are extenuating circumstances. It is the student’s responsibility to see the teacher regarding missed assignments and/or exams due to absence(s).This must be done within two days of returning to school.

Extra Help

I am available most days until at least 4:00pm for extra help after school.If you want to guarantee a time to see me, please let me know at the end of class.

Instructional Objectives

Students will become better at:

- Defining and applying new vocabulary in context.

- Summarizing information and ideas from focused lectures and discussions.

- Delivering oral presentations to demonstrate learned knowledge.

- Identifying and applying knowledge of literary terms.

- Applying conventions of English grammar and mechanics.

- Writing well-organized essays that have clear foci and effective details.

- Using technology to enhance learning.

teaching strategies to be used include:

- Direct instruction

- Cooperative learning strategies

- One-on-one direct instruction

Major Topics and Concepts

By the end of the year students will understand:

- How a text reveals details of its contemporary context and author’s background.

- The bildungsroman genre and how identity development and personal growth are

depicted in various texts.

Major Skills

By the end of the year students will be able to:

- Deliver an effective oral presentation.

- Facilitate and actively participate in small and large group discussions.

- Acquire and apply new vocabulary in writing and speaking.

- Adhere to MLA format for all writing assignments.

- Read with improved focus, clear pronunciation, and correct expression and volume.

- Produce a literary response that reflects a thoughtful analysis and summary of the text.

- Write for an academic audience.

- Identify and use parts of speech and figurative language effectively.

Key Question:

The key question for this year’s Grade 10 English class is “How does an individual define her or himself and what external factors contribute to this identity development and personal growth?”

We will read a diverse selection of literary texts to help us explore themes of identity development and personal growth as they relate to the bildungsroman genre.This question of identity will play a pivotal role in our writing assignments and literary discussions throughout the course.

Assessment Strategies and Grading Policy

Each quarter’s grade will be determined by the following criteria:

Papers and Projects30%

There will be several papers and projects assigned throughout the school year including group projects, oral presentations, and formal writing assignments.These have the most significant impact on your grade because of the extra length of time given to complete them.

It is imperative that you adhere to the specific guidelines for each assignment and submit all work on time.All papers must be typed double-spaced in 12 point Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins all around.

All written assignments should follow the Modern Language Association (MLA) format as taught to you in ninth grade.

Any paper passed in on time (or early) may be rewritten for a revised grade.

Tests and quizzes are specifically designed to measure your progress.If a student is absent on the day of a test or quiz, it is her or his responsibility to reschedule a make-up with me within one week of returning back to school.


You are responsible for keeping all completed assignments, notes, and handouts in a well-organized three-ring binder.I strictly enforce the use of binders because I firmly believe that excellent organizational skills are a key indicator of success.I will instruct you on how to divide/organize your binder within the first few days of school.

Accelerated 11th Elams. Schroll's Ela Classes 2019

Students are also assessed according to their effort and performance on daily assignments to be completed during class time.These tasks may include do-nows, handouts, vocabulary exercises, writing prompts, and group work.

Homework assignments will consist of reading, writing assignments, vocabulary and grammar exercises, or other skill practice. These assignments are due at the start of the next class, unless otherwise noted. Reading checks will also be calculated into this homework grade.


Professionalism 5%

Every student should have 100% in this category.The criteria for earning this grade are outlined in the Expectationssection of the syllabus.School is essentially your “job” for the year and you will be graded in this category for your “job” preparation.

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  • Elementary/Intermediate General Information
  • English as a Second Language Tests
  • High School General Information
  • Test Development
NYSED / P-12 / OCAET / OSA / Test Samplers / Past English Language Arts Grades 3-8 Sample Tests

Past English Language Arts Grades 3-8 Sample Tests

The complete Grade 3 - 8 ELA Sample Materials are now available for downloading. Included in these materials are Sample Tests, Teacher Directions, Answer Documents and Scoring Guides* for each grade.

Grade 3

  • Book 1 (374 KB)
  • Book 2 (239 KB)
  • Listening Selection (146 KB)
  • Teacher's Directions (271 KB)
  • Scoring Guide* (670 KB)
  • Answer Document (58 KB)

Grade 4

  • Book 1 (727 KB)
  • Book 2 (183 KB)
  • Book 3 (283 KB)
  • Listening Selection (138 KB)
  • Teacher's Directions (271 KB)
  • Scoring Guide* (1.70 MB)
  • Answer Document (200 KB)

Grade 5

Accelerated 11th Elams. Scrolls Ela Classes 2020

  • Book 1 (373 KB)
  • Book 2 (207 KB)
  • Listening Selection (159 KB)
  • Teacher's Directions (277 KB)
    updated January 9, 2006 A time change on page 7 for Day 2, Book 2 listening selection was revised to reflect the same test time as the grade 5 operational test.
  • Scoring Guide* (631 KB)
  • Answer Document (56 KB)

Grade 6

  • Book 1 (275 KB)
  • Book 2 (232 KB)
  • Book 3 (234 KB)
  • Listening Selection (139 KB)
  • Teacher's Directions (282 KB)
  • Scoring Guide* (1.90 MB)
  • Answer Document (196 KB)

Grade 7

  • Book 1 (682 KB)
  • Book 2 (165 KB)
  • Listening Selection (138 KB)
  • Teacher's Directions (259 KB)
  • Scoring Guide* (811 KB)
  • Answer Document (66 KB)

Grade 8

  • Book 1 (471 KB)
  • Book 2 (200 KB)
  • Book 3 (550 KB)
  • Listening Selection (140 KB)
  • Teacher's Directions (282 KB)
  • Scoring Guide* (2.35 MB)
  • Answer Document (196 KB)

*Please note: Scoring guides contain revised answer keys-10/28/05.

Last Updated: November 14, 2012