Past Simple Verleden Tijdcollege St. Paul

Past simple verleden tijdcollege st. paul revere
  • Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect Simple, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perefect, Past. 31,901 Downloads. TIME RELATED VERB CONSTRUCTIONS. By lesleymisano Compare this to my TIME RELATED VERB CONSTRUCTIONS - horizontal - version. This is a list of verbs in their different aspects, which fol.
  • Past Simple (verleden tijd) Hoe maak je de Past Simple Meer uitleg? Wanneer gebruik je de Past Simple? Onregelmatige werkwoorden - Iets is in verleden gebeurd en nu afgelopen Tip: in de zin staat vaak een tijdsbepaling (last week, yesterday, in 2002) Voorbeelden van Beukering.

Simple Past Simple Past exercises. A - 40 Simple Past exercises B - 17 Simple Past exercises Mixed exercises Simple Past Simple Past exercise. 33 Simple Past exercises Test Simple Past 34 Crossword Simple Past irregular verbs 35 Crossword Simple Past irregular verbs 36 Crossword Simple Past irregular verbs 37 Crossword Simple Past irregular verbs Start exercises from the beginning. The simple past tense is the normal tense for talking about finished actions and situations. When I was a child, we. Our own amusements.

Exercise 2

Choose the correct past continuous and past simple forms for the gaps below.

The past continuous form

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We use the past continuous

Actions in progress

We use the past continuous to talk about actions that were in progress (not finished) at a specific moment in the past.

  • ‘What were you doing at 9?’ ‘I was studying.’
  • When I saw them yesterday, they were arguing.
Past Simple Verleden Tijdcollege St. Paul

The specific moment in the past can be described by a time expression (at 9 a.m., at midday, at lunchtime, all morning, all day, etc.): Kaffir boy full text & audioms. schrolls ela classes.

  • They were swimming at 7 in the morning..
  • At midday they were still working.

Verleden Tijd Lyrics

Or by a simple past sentence:

  • They were swimming when I saw them.
  • When she arrived, they were still working.

Describing a scene

We often use the past continuous at the beginning of a story to describe the situation.

  • It was gettingdark, and I was walking fast. Suddenly …

Past simple vs past continuous

We use the past simple for completed actions in the past, and we use the past continuous for actions in progress (not finished) in the past.

  • We ate out yesterday. (the action is finished)
  • We were eating at 9. (the action was not finished)

The past continuous describes a longer action or situation and the past simple describes a shorter action or event.


  • When I met Susan she was having a drink at a terrace with a friend.
  • We didn’t go out because it was raining.

The short action in past simple often interrupts the longer action in past continuous. Video converter sony handycam download free for windows 7 64-bit.

  • He was playing football when he broke her arm.
  • When I went to bed, it was raining.

We use the past simple for completed actions that happened one after the other. Compare:

Verleden Tijd Van Doen

  • When he arrived, she was having a shower.
  • (The action of having a shower started before he arrived)

  • When he arrived, she had a shower.
  • (The action of having a shower started after he arrived)